Shipping Policy
We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operates in the US and over 200 countries worldwide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value and service. We will continue to grow to meet the needs of all our customers, delivering a service beyond all expectation anywhere in the world.
Package arrival time: about 25 days from the time of ordering
If you are not satisfied with the package after receiving it, please contact us via Whatsapp and we will solve it happily!
QUESTION:Why do some order/s take up to 15 days or more to ship?
ANSWER: Due to high levels of CC fraud, we check each order individually. We also submit each order suspected of fraud to our CC processor for verification. This process may take extended amount of time, however being that we make minimal profits on Products products we cannot afford to lose any to fraud. We appreciate you patience and thank you for your business.
After your order has been successfully placed, you will receive a confirmation email. Once it has been shipped, you will receive a second email containing your tracking information. Shipping confirmation emails may occasionally be sent without tracking numbers. If this is to occur, you will receive a second confirmation email when the warehouse has attached tracking to your order. Please allow up to 72 hours for your tracking information to be updated.
We cannot guarantee that we will have all items in stock all the time, if your item is not in stock and is not expected to be in stock within two business days, we will contact you with details of the back order or a possible substitute item if there is one available or we can reimburse the full amount back to you . If you have a critical or time-sensitive need, feel free to email us or direct message us on Whatsapp to ensure your order reaches you as soon as you need it.
Delivery Guarantee
- Your order will be shipped to you fully assured.
- Please make sure someone will be available to receive your order, otherwise, your package may be returned to us.
Delivery dates are not guaranteed and your order may arrive after the estimated arrival date for various reasons, such as:
1. Delays due to weather
2. Delivery is outside major city
3. Unforeseen delays by one of our carriers
4. Delays to the unavailability of product(s)
5. Delivery is to a PO Box or APO/FPO address
6. Delays due to orders being placed on a holiday